- Q?What Do You Make Your Products From?
Our products are 100% from scratch. If we cannot find the fresh ingredients for a product, we do not make it ie. it is very difficult to find fresh pitted cherries so we do not make cherry products.
- Q?Can I Bake It?
For some of our pies (Traditional Apple, Blueberry, Etc) we can make the pie, freeze it, and then let you put it in the freezer until you need it with cooking instructions.
- Q?Do You Take Special Orders?
Yes we do. If you have a specific recipe that you want made but feel you don’t have time to make it, or want us to find a recipe for a type of dessert, we can make what you are looking for.
- Q?Can I Freeze What I Get From You?
While most of our products are freezable, there are some items with a crumble top that may not do so well if they are frozen. You can always try it out and see how it thaws.
- Q?Can I Pickup My Order At Market?
We encourage it actually. Cause then we are coming to town and who knows what else you may find at the Thunder Bay Country Market!
- Q?How Much Time Should I Give?
While most orders we only need about 24 hours notice, please keep in mind that the day prior to a market day is pretty much full for market baking. Also larger orders require more time. You can always call us as soon as you know you need something and give us a date for when you need it.